Behind the scenes Teekkarikuoro is run by a registered association called Tampereen Akateemiset Laulajat ry. Every year the members elect a president and an approximately six-member board, who take care of the finances, gigs and events of the choir.
The rules of the association
The rules of the association (in Finnish) can be found here.
Committees and officials help
The organization has officials helping the board with practical tasks like the upkeep of sheet music archive and PA equipment. During each season, various committees arrange concerts and events. One of the most important ones is the music committee, which plans the repertoire of the choir each season.
Honorary members
Along the years, the association has had many hard-working members, who have not spared time and effort to develop the choir to be what it is now.

Liisa Rysä
Jens Lundell, conductor 1985-1988
Jussi Tamminen, conductor 1988-1993
Antti Rinne
Eeva Ylhäinen
Jaakko “Urkki” Urho
The honorary members have received a hand-made statue, a gold-colored slip of metal bent in a form that combines the shape of an eighth note and a treble clef, standing on a white marble with a name plate attached.